
Bellow are some of the resources I use when creating my drawings & pictures. I'll complete the list in the near future with new ones, of course, after testing them.


Downloadable pictures free to use for personal or commercial purpose. If signing up you'll discover the site is actually a community where one can donate to favorite artists. 

My experience with pxHere:

As a member - OK

As a contributor - don't know, just a member for the time being 


You may compress for free your PNG and JPG pictures. Your apps & sites will use less bandwidth and load faster.

My experience with TinyPNG:

JPG format - OK

PNG format - OK with a "!"

I compressed some PNG files I have on this site like the one on the first page, but I wasn't happy with the result as there were visible pixelated marks on the edge of each picture. Obviously, when using artistic photos the shrinking might cause significant loss in quality!


Mark for free your pictures! There is a paid version, too, but the free one is enough for personal use. The software has less than 9 MB; it's easy to use, with lot of options to watermark from minimalist to artistic effects.

On the same page you may notice the site offers other "marking" softwares but I haven't tried any of them!

My experience with uMark:

JPG format - OK

PNG format - OK


Upload your GIFs and compress them freely.

My experience with GIF Compressor: OK

Free PNG Emoji

The site offers free PNG Iphone emojis, and paid ones as Vectors. I am using the PNGs  in my pictures and drawings I make on my laptop, Windows 7 OS. Good quality! Limited amount of downloads per day, if I remember well, the max is 5.

My experience with Emoji Island: OK










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